
Whistleblowing Policy

1. Introduction

The OCEAN Grants Programme is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical behaviour, transparency, accountability, and conduct in the delivery of its services and compliance with all applicable international and national policies, laws, rules and regulations.

As part of this commitment, the OCEAN Grants Programme encourages all applicants, Delivery Partners, and other stakeholders to report any concerns, complaints, or suspected wrongdoing associated with the Fund via the identified reporting channels. This Whistleblowing Policy has been designed to provide a mechanism for individuals to report such matters confidentially, without fear of retaliation.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all applicants, Delivery Partners, consultants, contractors, suppliers, stakeholders and any other person(s) associated with the OCEAN Grants Programme.

In particular, the Whistleblowing facility should be used to report corruption, fraud, money laundering, aid diversion, human trafficking, slavery, Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH), , concerns about children and vulnerable adults, funding of proscribed groups or organisations, and any other violations of concern related to the OCEAN Grants Programme, the people associated, and its projects.

3. Confidential Reporting Channel

To ensure that the OCEAN Grants Programme can be held to account, confidential whistleblowing reporting channels have been established. The OCEAN Grants Programme encourages all applicants, Delivery Partners, and other stakeholders to report any concerns, complaints, or suspected wrongdoing associated with the Fund via the channels detailed below.

The OCEAN Grant Administrators (NIRAS) are the first point of contact for any minor concerns you may have. If you feel comfortable raising your concern with NIRAS directly and feel that this is not a serious wrongdoing that needs escalating to Defra, then please submit your report via email to:

  • General reports and concerns: helpdesk@oceangrants.org.uk

If your report is regarding a serious concern, incident or complaint, or if you do not feel comfortable submitting your report to NIRAS, then you should submit your report via email directly to Defra using the email addresses provided below. Please be aware that if your report is concerning a Fraud or Safeguarding concern, then these should be always submitted directly to Defra.

  • Fraud and error concerns: fraudanderror@defra.gov.uk
  • Safeguarding concerns (including SEAH): ODA.Safeguarding@defra.gov.uk
  • Other concerns: OCEAN Defra Policy Team: OCEAN@defra.gov.uk

Partners, consultants, contractors, suppliers, volunteers, stakeholders and associated person(s) involved in Defra funded business should always immediately report any suspicions, allegations or actual incidents via the respective reporting channel. Reports and concerns will be followed up according to policy and procedure, and legal and statutory obligations; ensuring the survivor, if applicable, is fully protected and anonymised (if that is their request).

4. Protection from Confidentiality Breach and/or Retaliation

The OCEAN Grants Programme strictly prohibits breaches of confidentiality and/or retaliation against individuals who report concerns or suspected wrongdoing in good faith. Any form of confidentiality breach or retaliation is a violation of this policy and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of project funding.

5. Investigation Process

Upon receipt of a whistleblowing report Defra will request delivery partners involved to provide a response to the report. Based on an initial assessment of the value of the fraud and the level of reputational risk, the partner involved (with oversight and support from NIRAS), will then be required to conduct initial investigations in country (or on a case by case basis, Defra may undertake choose to undertake their own investigation). NIRAS will work closely with the partner involved to ensure they appoint a designated individual or team to be responsible for investigating the report of concern or suspected wrongdoing. The OCEAN Grants Programme is committed to conducting thorough and timely investigations. Updates on the progress of the investigation will be provided to the whistleblower, to the extent possible without compromising the investigation, in line with any requests for anonymity and in compliance with applicable laws Upon completion of the investigation, Defra will determine whether the reported concern is substantiated or unsubstantiated.

If wrongdoing is substantiated, Defra will work with those involved to take appropriate corrective action. Reports and concerns will be followed up according to policy and procedure, and legal and statutory obligations; ensuring the survivor, if applicable, is fully protected and anonymised (if that is their request). Defra will communicate the outcome of the investigation to the whistleblower to the extent possible, in line with any requests for anonymity and in compliance with applicable laws.

6. Review and Amendment

This Whistleblowing Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The OCEAN Grants Programme is committed to fostering an environment where individuals feel secure in reporting concerns without fear of reprisal.

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