
Climate-resilient Coastal Communities and Marine Biodiversity in Northern Mozambique

Project Summary


Zoological Society of London



Project Dates

01 Nov 2024 – 30 Sep 2027

Award Amount



Fisheries Community Councils

In charge of managing fisheries in 20 villages’ jurisdictional waters and up to 3 nautical miles.

coastal communities

Reducing the dependence of 20 coastal communities on capture-fishing for livelihoods and unsustainable fishing practices.
The Details

Building climate-resilient coral reefs and sustainable livelihoods

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important tool for conserving marine biodiversity. especially coral reefs.

The project will establish a socio-ecological corridor of locally-managed marine areas (LMMAs), providing ecosystem services and sustaining biodiversity along Nampula province’s 450km coastline – a priority marine conservation site, supporting recovery of sites more vulnerable to coral bleaching.

The project’s ambition is to increase coral reef systems’ climate change resilience by maintaining healthy populations of fish species (Scaridae, Acanthuridae) in 200km2 of LMMAs connecting marine habitats (mangroves, corals reefs, seagrass, rocky and sandy bottoms).  Strengthened Fisheries Community Councils will reduce unsustainable fishing practices while climate-resilient livelihoods will reduce multi-dimensional poverty. The project also aims to create a sustainable financial pathway for scaling ecological corridors to Zambezia and Sofala provinces.



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